Vietnamese mathematician wins international award for discrete mathematics

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese mathematician Dr. Pham Tuan Huy, a Stanford Science Fellow, has been awarded the Dénes König Prize for 2024 by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

Vietnamese mathematician wins international award for discrete mathematics - ảnh 1Dr Pham Tuan Huy and Korean mathematician Jinyoung Park highlighted by Stanford University for receiving Dénes König Prize for 2024 (Photo:

Huy and Korean mathematician Jinyoung Park, a former Szëgo Assistant Professor, won this year’s Dénes König Prize for their joint paper "A proof of the Kahn–Kalai conjecture".

The award ceremony will be held at the SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics which will take place from July 8 to July 11 in Washington, DC.

The Dénes König Prize is awarded every two years to early-career individuals who have made outstanding contributions to discrete mathematics.

Huy received his PhD in mathematics from Stanford University last year. Ten years ago, he was a student at the High School for the Gifted at Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City.

Huy is the only student from Vietnam to win two gold medals (in 2013 and 2014) at the International Mathematics Olympiad.

