Vietnam pledges continued efforts to promote and ensure human rights

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) – The UN Human Rights Council convened its 26th session in Geneva on Tuesday with representatives from 47 member countries, UN members, high commissioners for Human Rights, and international NGOs for human rights participating.

(VOVworld) – The UN Human Rights Council convened its 26th session in Geneva on Tuesday with representatives from 47 member countries, UN members, high commissioners for Human Rights, and international NGOs for human rights participating.

Vietnam pledges continued efforts to promote and ensure human rights - ảnh 1
A meeting of the UN Human Rights Council

In her opening speech, High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay commended the achievements of each member country in promoting and ensuring human rights and their contributions to UN human rights mechanisms. During an inateractive dialogue with speakers, Ambassador and deputy head of Vietnam’s UN delegation Pham Quoc Tru praised efforts by the speakers to survey and document human rights. He said that Vietnam shares the view of many countries that the right to freedom of assembly and association has been abused to sabotage national security and public order. Vietnam supports people’s freedom of speech but the historical, cultural and religious characteristics of each society should be taken into consideration. Tru said that Vietnam will continue efforts to protect and promote human rights, particularly the freedom of speech and association.

The session will discuss and vote on reports by Universal Periodic Review (UPR) workgroups on 14 countries, including Vietnam. 
