Vietnam goes 2 months with no community transmission of COVID-19

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - As of Monday, Vietnam had gone 2 months without any community transmission of COVID-19.

There have been 334 confirmed cases in Vietnam. Nearly 97 percent of the total have fully recovered, and there have been no fatalities.

Of the 11 patients still under treatment, one has tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus once, and three have tested negative at least twice. A critically ill British patient continues to make a miraculous recovery. On Saturday, he was disconnected from his ventilator and is now breathing through a tracheal tube, according to his doctors.

The pandemic has spread to 213 countries and territories, infecting nearly 8 million people and killing more than 435,000. The US, Brazil, Russia, the UK, France, and Italy are the world’s COVID-19 epicenters. There is a concern now about a second wave in China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Iran.
