Vietnam condemns bomb last in southern Philippines

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The spokesperson for Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Hai Binh has said: “Vietnam strongly condemns perpetrators of the bomb blast in southern Philippines, which killed and injured many civilians, and believes that masterminds of the incident will be strictly punished”.

(VOVworld) – The spokesperson for Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Hai Binh has said: “Vietnam strongly condemns perpetrators of the bomb blast in southern Philippines, which killed and injured many civilians, and believes that masterminds of the incident will be strictly punished”.

Vietnam condemns bomb last in southern Philippines - ảnh 1
Spokesperson for Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Hai Binh

The spokesperson said so on Sunday, when he was asked by reporters about Vietnam’s reaction to the bomb blast in southern Philippines. He added: “Vietnam sends condolences to the victims’ families and hopes that they will soon overcome this difficult period to stabilize their lives.”
