Vietnam, Bulgaria strengthen multifaceted cooperation

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)- Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has highlighted Vietnam’s consistent policy of respecting and deepening ties with Bulgaria and elevating it to a new height in the near future.

Vietnam, Bulgaria strengthen multifaceted cooperation - ảnh 1
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Bulgaria's President Rosen Plevneliev- Photo: VGP/Nhật Bắc

(VOVworld)- Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has highlighted Vietnam’s consistent policy of respecting and deepening ties with Bulgaria and elevating it to a new height in the near future. At a reception for the Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, Dung proposed the two sides furthering the bilateral economic, trade and investment cooperation, especially in potential areas of mutual strengths, including power, pharmaceuticals, food processing, education and defense technology. The Prime Minister suggested that the two sides create favorable conditions for their businesses to share information, explore each country’s market and strengthen their connectivity. President Plevneliev proposed that Vietnam and Bulgaria should further promote activities in economics, trade, investment, education and training, and people-to-people exchange. He said Bulgaria is ready to act as a bridge for Vietnam to broaden its cooperation with the EU as well as a gateway for Vietnamese products to enter the European market. He expressed his hope that Vietnam would assist Bulgaria to expand cooperation with ASEAN countries.
Bulgaria’s President Plevneliev visited Ha Long Bay on Tuesday. Vice Chairman of Quang Ninh provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Van Thanh briefed the Bulgarian President on the province’s potential and the beauty of Ha Long Bay, which has been recognized twice by UNESCO as a world natural heritage site. President Plevneliev expressed his thanks for Quang Ninh’s cordial welcome and his pleasure in visiting Quang Ninh and Ha Long Bay. 
