VFF President’s congratulation on Buddha’s birthday 2017

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on Friday sent a letter of congratulations to the Vietnam Buddhist dignitaries and its followers at home and abroad on Buddha’s 2561st birthday.

(VOVworld) – The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on Friday sent a letter of congratulations to the Vietnam Buddhist dignitaries and its followers at home and abroad on Buddha’s 2561st birthday.

VFF President’s congratulation on Buddha’s birthday 2017 - ảnh 1
VFF President Nguyen Thien Nhan, Politburo member. (Photo: VOV)

In the letter, Nguyen Thien Nhan expressed his belief that Buddhist dignitaries, monks, nuns, and all other followers will ceaselessly uphold the fine traditions of Buddhism. He also said they will respond positively to campaigns to unite people in developing rural areas and civilized urban areas, prioritizing use of made-in-Vietnam goods, protecting the environment, adapting to climate change, and increasing social support.
