US to investigate jet fighter parts made in China

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(VOVworld)- The US is conducting an investigation of a defense contractor producing an electronic device for the government's new F-35 fighter planes, which are designed to be the military's most advanced combat jets.

(VOVworld)- The US is conducting an investigation of a defense contractor producing an electronic device for the government's new F-35 fighter planes, which are designed to be the military's most advanced combat jets.

 US to investigate jet fighter parts made in China  - ảnh 1
The Pentagon repeatedly waived laws banning Chinese-built components on US weapons to keep the $392bn F-35 fighter programme. Photo: Reuters

A spokesperson for defense contractor Honeywell International Inc., Scott Sayres, said Sunday that Honeywell is co-operating with a Department of Justice probe into the overseas production of equipment the company makes for the fighter jet. Sayres said that this is an ordinary device which is widely used all over the world. Honeywell used to produce it in China for a short period of time. Two years ago, the company moved production to the US after being consulted by the US Defense Department. Sayres insisted that Honeywell has followed all applicable US laws and regulations relating to the manufacturing of defense-related components in China.
