US Senate agrees on 2015 budget spending

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(VOVworld) – The Democratic and Republic leaders on the US Senate have agreed on budget spending for 2015 and will likely vote on the bill on December 13, instead of on December 15 as scheduled.

(VOVworld) – The Democratic and Republic leaders on the US Senate have agreed on budget spending for 2015 and will likely vote on the bill on December 13, instead of on December 15 as scheduled.

US Senate agrees on 2015 budget spending  - ảnh 1
Both Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell  voted for the huge spending bill Saturday night.
Image: AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The 1.1 trillion USD spending bill for the 2015 fiscal year would keep most of the government running through the end of September, but only funds the Department of Homeland Security through February. The House of Representatives passed the funding bill on Thursday night that will keep the government open into next year.
