US applauds Japan-RoK agreement to compensate WW2 sex slaves

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(VOVworld) - The Obama administration is applauding an agreement between Japan and Republic of Korea under which Tokyo will pay 8.3 million USD to Seoul to establish a fund to help “comfort women” who were forced into sex slavery during World War II. 

(VOVworld) - The Obama administration is applauding an agreement between Japan and Republic of Korea under which Tokyo will pay 8.3 million USD to Seoul to establish a fund to help “comfort women” who were forced into sex slavery during World War II. 

US applauds Japan-RoK agreement to compensate WW2 sex slaves - ảnh 1
Activists for comfort women erected a statue of a girl which they call a 'peace monument' outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul in 2011 (photo:reuters)

US National Security Advisor Susan Rice said Monday that the US applauds the leaders of Japan and the Republic of Korea for having the courage and vision to reach this agreement and believes that this agreement will promote healing and improve relations.

Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se signed the agreement in Seoul on Monday. 
