UN to commemorate World War II victims on December 1

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(VOVWORLD) - The UN General Assembly decided on Thursday to hold a meeting on December 1 to commemorate victims of World War II, which ended 75 years ago.
UN to commemorate World War II victims on December 1 - ảnh 1 A meeting of the UN General Assembly (Photo: VNA)

The Russian-drafted resolution was adopted by consensus after the 193-member assembly voted 54-40 with 45 abstentions to eliminate a paragraph in the text that Germany, the US and many European and Western nations objected to.

It emphasized that victory in the war “is the common legacy” of all UN member-nations. And it noted the importance of preserving and not desecrating or destroying “monuments erected in remembrance of those who fought in that war on the side of the United Nations.” The resolution called on UN member-states “to make every effort to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”
