Ukraine: hundreds killed and injured in clashes in Odessa

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(VOVworld) – Clashes have continuously taken place between pro-Russian protesters and government supporters in Ukrainian southern province of Odessa claiming 37 lives and injuring 200 others.

(VOVworld) – Clashes have continuously taken place between pro-Russian protesters and government supporters in Ukrainian southern province of Odessa claiming 37 lives and injuring 200 others.

Ukraine: hundreds killed and injured in clashes in Odessa - ảnh 1
A protester throws a petrol bomb at the trade union building in Odessa. Photograph: Stringer/Reuters

This is the biggest conflict in Ukraine since the country’s interim government took power. Russia’s news agency ITAR-TASS reports that a crowd of protesters including football fans from Kharkov, members of the Right Sector and Kiev’s militia forces marched to Odessa and skirmished with pro-Russians. The demonstrators from Kiev and Kharkov burned the camps of protesters in Odessa, then fired a trade union building, killing 40 people and wounding 200 others. The Odessa’s municipal council declared three days of mourning for the deaths.

In response to the latest development in Odessa, Russian Foreign Ministry on Saturday condemned the criminal irresponsibility of Kiev leadership indulging insolent nationalist radicals to attack supporters of federalization. Russia asked Kiev caretaker government and western-supporters to stop the chaos.
