Twin bombings in Iraq kill 25

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(VOVworld) – Twin suicide car bombings on Monday in the ethnically mixed Iraqi city of Tuz-Khurmato in central Salahudin province killed 25 and injured 145.

(VOVworld) – Twin suicide car bombings on Monday in the ethnically mixed Iraqi city of Tuz-Khurmato in central Salahudin province killed 25 and injured 145. Police said the bombings occurred around noon.

Twin bombings in Iraq kill 25 - ảnh 1
Smoke rises from the site of a car bomb attack in the town of Tuz Khurmato.
(Photo: Reuters)

A car bomb blew up at the entrance to local headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) party, which is led by President Jalal Talabani. Minutes later, a truck packed with explosives was detonated in a crowed car park, just 50km from the first explosion. The blast destroyed many buildings in the area. Most of the victims were security guards and PUK officials.

This was the second attack targeting PUK headquarters in the last 2 days.   
