Top leader chairs national cadres conference

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -  Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong chaired the national cadres conference in Hanoi on Thursday to discuss the COVID-19 fight, measures for socio-economic stabilisation and developments, and others.


Top leader chairs national cadres conference - ảnh 1  Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong 

Speaking at the event, held by the Political Bureau, the leader expressed his delight at the country’s achievements in the fight against the pandemic which, he said, help consolidate public trust and Vietnam’s stature in international arena.

As Vietnam is serving as the ASEAN Chair and a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and holding Party congresses at all levels towards the 13th National Party Congress, he said epidemic prevention and control must be carried out in tandem with socio-economic development, guarantee of national defence-security and external relations.

He highlighted the need to reach public consensus in the effort.

In preparation for the 13th National Party Congress, the leader said focus must be on the document and personnel work, adding that the personnel work plays a crucial role in Party building and a core part of all Party activities, deciding the success or failure of the revolution.

The personnel work must be well carried out from the Party congresses at all levels to the 13th National Party Congress, he said, adding that it is an especially important task related to the survival and sustainable development of the Party and the country.

The leader stressed that the personnel work must be done in a scientific, strict, unbiased and objective manner in each stage, deserving the trust and expectation of the entire Party, people and armed forces.
