The Central Theoretical Council wraps up its 6th session

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)-The Central Theoretical Council concluded its 6th session in Hanoi on Thursday. Addressing the meeting, member of the Politbureau and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Educational and Communications Commission and the Theoretical Council, Dinh The Huynh urged delegates to review 30 years of renovation and implement the next research program by 2015. Delegates discussed a consultation report on clima

(VOVworld)-The Central Theoretical Council concluded its 6th session in Hanoi on Thursday. Addressing the meeting, member of the Politbureau and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Educational and Communications Commission and the Theoretical Council, Dinh The Huynh urged delegates to review 30 years of renovation and implement the next research program by 2015.

The Central Theoretical Council wraps up its 6th session - ảnh 1
The Central Theoretical Council wraps up its 6th session

Delegates discussed a consultation report on climate change and natural resources protection. A Council member, Tran Quoc Toan, says that climate change poses threats to food security and ecosystem in Vietnam: “Over exploitation of natural resources and land has deteriorated bio diversity and the ecosystem. We need to tackle this issue, especially when 60% of water resources are dependent on neighboring countries. This is a challenge in terms of water security and quality, eco environment and sustainable economic growth.”  

