Task force to support S. Korean firms hit by Kaesong Complex closure

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(VOVworld) - A task force has been formed in South Korea to support firms affected by the closure of the Kaesong Industrial Complex.

(VOVworld) - A task force has been formed in South Korea to support firms affected by the closure of the Kaesong Industrial Complex.  

Task force to support S. Korean firms hit by Kaesong Complex closure  - ảnh 1
South Korea’s military vehicles were entering the Kaesong Industrial complex
in the border city of Paju on April 25th (Photo: AFP/VNA)

The South Korean Prime Minister's Office (PMO) said in a statement that the task force would take "comprehensive and practical supportive measures" for companies after estimating the cost on them caused by the suspension of operations of their factories at Kaesong. At the first meeting on Monday, the group discussed measures to support enterprises which include a proposal to offer the companies loans from the inter-Korean cooperation fund.
