Syria’s key opposition group is not to attend Geneva II

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(VOVworld) – The Syrian National Council, a key opposition group within Syria’s Opposition National Coalition on Friday reaffirmed that it will not attend peace talks on Syria scheduled to take place on January 22nd in Geneva, Switzerland.

(VOVworld) – The Syrian National Council, a key opposition group within Syria’s opposition National Coalition on Friday reaffirmed that it will not attend peace talks on Syria scheduled to take place on January 22nd in Geneva, Switzerland.

Syria’s key opposition group is not to attend Geneva II  - ảnh 1
The meeting between Foreign Ministers of 11 countries with the head of Syria's Opposition National Coalition on October 26th in London (Photo: AFP)

After meetings with many international delegations in the past weeks, a SNC member Samir Nashar said the council sees no reason to attend the Geneva conference. Nashar added although the National Council has not made any definitive decision, it will surely not show up. According to Nashar, some other groups in the coalition have also raised their voice of protest. Earlier,  SNC President George Sabra said the SNC would withdraw from the Syrian Opposition National Coalition if it decided to attend the peace talks. Meanwhile, the Opposition National Coalition plans to organize a summit in Istanbul, Turkey on Sunday to discuss this issue. 
