Syrian shelling strikes Turkish health center

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A shell fired from Syria hit a health center across the border in the Reyhanli district of Turkey's Hatay province on Tuesday.

A shell fired from Syria hit a health center across the border in the Reyhanli district of Turkey's Hatay province on Tuesday.

Syrian shelling strikes Turkish health center - ảnh 1
(Photo: Internet)

There was no report of casualties nor any indication of retaliation. Tensions have escalated in Turkey-Syria relations since Turkey joined Arab countries and the West in urging President Bashar Al-Assad to leave office. Turkey has bolstered its military presence along its 900-km border with Syria and has been responding to gunfire and mortar shells hitting its territory from fighting between Syrian rebels and government forces. Turkey's Chief of Staff General Necdet Ozel said his troops would respond "with greater force" if shells continued to land on Turkish soil. Turkey’s parliament has authorized the deployment of troops beyond the border, heightening fears that Syria's civil war could spread beyond its borders.
