Syrian ceasefire possible if all parties come to terms: Russian FM

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(VOVWORLD) - A ceasefire in Syria proposed by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is possible if all parties involved come to terms, which is a complicated process, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday.
Syrian ceasefire possible if all parties come to terms: Russian FM - ảnh 1Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (Photo: AFP/VNA) 

He said he sees many obstacles to the implementation of UNSC Resolution 2401, which requires all parties in Syria to immediately cease fighting and provide a sustained humanitarian break for at least 30 days. New attempts were undertaken to tarnish the Syrian Armed Forces, which were accused of using chemical weapons in Eastern Ghouta, the last major rebel enclave near Damascus, he added.

Lavrov insisted that Russia will never support any action aimed at saving terrorists from legitimate strikes, and said a ceasefire would not apply to the Islamic State, the Nusra Front, and other terrorist groups who continue shelling those parts of the Syrian capital controlled by the government.
