Syria peace talks to resume in June

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(VOVWORLD) - Negotiations are set to resume in June despite little progress in the latest round of Syrian peace talks, the UN envoy for Syria told the Security Council on Monday.

Staffan de Mistura said there remained important gaps between the Syrian government and the opposition on major issues following four days of indirect talks. The envoy said the talks are to lay the groundwork for "a real negotiation" and that all sides were ready to return to the table for a new round of talks.

Syria peace talks to resume in June - ảnh 1 UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura (AFP)

A series of expert-level talks will take place to pursue discussion on a range of issues including the thorny matter of a new constitution. The UN envoy stressed that these would not be decision-making meetings but simply laying foundations for the Syrians to pursue in the future. 
