South Korean chief negotiator tries to boost 6-party talks

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(VOVworld)- Cho Tae-yong, South Korea’s chief six-party talks negotiator, has arrived in Moscow for a 3-day visit to try to restart the six-party talks on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.
South Korean chief negotiator tries to boost 6-party talks  - ảnh 1
South Korea's chief nuclear envoy, Cho Tae-yong, left, and his North Korean counterpart Kim Kye-gwan, arrive in Beijing to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Photo: CFP

(VOVworld) - Cho Tae-yong, South Korea’s chief six-party talks negotiator, has arrived in Moscow for a 3-day visit to try to restart the six-party talks on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. Cho will meet with his Russian counterpart, Igor Morgulov, and other officials. This is the first time Cho met with Russia’s chief negotiator since his term of office began in May. He has met with China’s chief negotiator Wu Dawei in Beijing, and the US chief negotiator Glyn Davies and Shinsuke Sugiyama, the Head of the Asia – Oceania Bureau of Japanese Foreign Ministry in Washington. Meanwhile, North Korea’s chief negotiator, Kim Kye-kwan, has visited both China and Russia since this year to urge resumption of the 6-party negotiations that began in 2003 but stalled in 2008 when Pyongyang geared up its nuclear program and began deploying long-range missiles.
