Russia, US to cooperate in bilateral, international issues

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Russia and the US need to solve differences in line with the principle of equality and mutual benefit.

Russia and the US need to solve differences in line with the principle of equality and mutual benefit.

Russia, US to cooperate in bilateral, international issues - ảnh 1

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday in Moscow that beside differences, Russia and the US share common points of view in non proliferation of mass destruction weapons, fighting against terrorism, drugs, organized crimes as well as issues relating to Afghanistan. Regarding international issues, Russia called on the US to reach a common approach because both sides are aware that the majority of international problems can hardly be solved without both Russia and the US, Lavrov said. The two sides agreed that US president’s top security aid, Tom Donilon and US’s Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Russia in the near future.

Earlier in the 49th International Security Conference in Munich, Germany, Russian Foreign Minister  Lavrov made new proposals relating to the US’s national missile defence shield to assure the system does not target any member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. He said the US’s planned NMD runs counter to security principles and a possible unified Europe – Atlantic space.
