Rosy Black named Vietnam's youngest writer of fiction in English

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -  Rosy Black, author of "The Star team: a quest for the greatest power" has been named Vietnam's youngest writer of fiction in English language by Vietnam Record Association, Vietkings. 
Rosy Black named Vietnam's youngest writer of fiction in English  - ảnh 1Star team: a quest for the greatest power by Rosy Black

Rosy Black, whose real name is Nguyen Hanh Phuong, is writing a series called "The Star team: a quest for the greatest power”. The series will be in 4 volumes and she has scheduled to release one volume every year.

The novel is written in English and translated into Vietnamese. Rosy Black started writing it in July 2019 when she was 10 years old. After finishing volume 1 in English, she translated it to Vietnamese.
Currently Rosy Black is writing volume 2 and is expected to publish it at the end of this year.
