Quang Nam Heritage Festival ends

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The 6th Quang Nam Heritage Festival, themed ‘Quang Nam – Connecting Cultural Heritage Journey’, concluded in Hoi An on Wednesday night. 
Quang Nam Heritage Festival ends  - ảnh 1Closing ceremony of Quang Nam Heritage Festival

Thousands of artists, artisans, sportsmen, researchers, and businesspersons from 33 countries and territories participated in the 4-day Festival. Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh said the Festival promoted investment, tourism, and the culture of Quang Nam province. “The Festival has helped to popularize Vietnam’s image and the heroic land and hospitable people of Quang Nam. The province needs to attract more domestic and foreign investment, and more visitors for local development”, she said.

The Festival’s 22 events included seminars and forums on heritage preservation and tourism development in Quang Nam. 
