President Truong Tan Sang holds talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – An official welcoming ceremony was held for visiting President Truong Tan Sang and his entourage in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People on Wednesday. During talks afterwards, Chinese  President Xi Jinping said China values the friendly cooperation with Vietnam.

(VOVworld) –  An official welcoming ceremony was held for visiting President Truong Tan Sang and his entourage in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People on Wednesday.During talks afterwards, Chinese  President Xi Jinping said China values the friendly cooperation with Vietnam. President Sang reiterated Vietnam’s unswerving policy of treasuring the neighborliness, and comprehensive cooperation with China, pledging to do his utmost to bring the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic partnership to a new height.

President Truong Tan Sang holds talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping - ảnh 1

Both sides noted with satisfaction that bilateral ties have made new progress. They appreciated the signing of the action program on the implementation of their strategic partnership and other important documents during the visit. Both sides agreed to deepen political trust, increase the exchange of high-level visits and contacts and effectively implement cooperative agreements between the countries’ Parties, ministries and localities. They reached consensus on boosting the exchanges between mass organizations, particularly the young generations, and the education of traditional friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples. Both sides stressed the need to uphold the important role of bilateral cooperation mechanism, particularly the Steering Committee for Vietnam-China Bilateral Cooperation and promote practical cooperation between the two countries.

Both sides also agreed to strengthen cooperation for mutual benefits in economics, trade, culture, sports, tourism, education, health care and science and technology.

President Sang suggested that both sides instruct ministries and branches to effectively implement cooperative agreements signed previously and during this visit, constantly improve the quality of cooperation in economics and trade, take drastic measures to boost trade growth, reduce Vietnam’s trade deficits and bring two-way trade turnover to 60 billion USD by 2015. President Sang expressed his hope that China will increase its investment in large projects in infrastructure, manufacturing, and auxiliary industry with advanced technology.

The two sides praised the two defense ministries and relevant agencies for signing the revised border guard cooperation agreement, the working regulations of the committee for cooperation in land border gate management. They said this agreement will contribute to enhancing management cooperation, maintaining security and order, facilitating exchanges in border areas and building a common border of peace, stability, cooperation and development.

The two sides frankly discussed and agreed to maintain regular exchanges and dialogues on maritime issues, strictly implement the agreement on basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues between Vietnam and China, resolve disputes through peaceful manners, seek and exchange fundamental and long-term solutions that are acceptable to both sides. They also agreed to appropriately resolve arising problems to avoid influencing the fine development of the two countries as well as peace, stability in the East Sea.

The two sides agreed to effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and work together to maintain peace and stability in the East Sea. In the future, the two sides will mount cooperation on less-sensitive marine fields. This year, the two countries will carry out one to two projects of the three agreed projects including the projects on search and rescue at sea, marine environmental management and science research on the Gulf of Tonkin, and the research on comparison of Holocenne sediment in the Red River Delta and Changjiang River Delta.

President Truong Tan Sang underlined the fishing industry which relates to the lives and interests of millions of Vietnamese fishermen. He urged the two sides to enhance collaboration to appropriately handle these issues to ensure the interests and legitimate rights of fishermen. Mr. Sang asked the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture to work closely and take full use of the hotline to handle arising issues relating to fishing activities at sea.

The two leaders reached consensus on strengthening cooperation at multilateral forums of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Asia – Europe Meeting, ASEAN regional forums, ASEAN-China summit, ASEAN-China, Japan, and South Korea summit, and the East Asia summit, aiming together maintaining regional and international peace, stability, and prosperity.  

After the talks, President Truong Tan Sang and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping witnessed the signing of 10 important cooperative documents between the two countries.
