President Tran Dai Quang receives Indian, French Ministers of Defense

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)- At a meeting with French Minister of Defense Jean Yves Le Drian on Monday, President Tran Dai Quang reiterated Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multi-lateralization, diversification, strengthening cooperation with major countries including France.
President Tran Dai Quang receives Indian, French Ministers of Defense - ảnh 1
President Tran Dai Quang
(VOVworld)- At a meeting with French Minister of Defense Jean Yves Le Drian on Monday, President Tran Dai Quang reiterated Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multi-lateralization, diversification, strengthening cooperation with major countries including France. Quang said Vietnam would do its utmost to sustain its strategic partnership with France and support France’s efforts to maintain peace, stability, and cooperation in the region. Quang said Vietnam was ready to serve as a gateway for France to enhance cooperation with ASEAN. He said he hoped the French government would soon approve the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. He urged the two countries’ ministries of defense to boost cooperation. The French Defense Minister praised Vietnam’s role in building the ASEAN Community. He said he hoped to boost multifaceted cooperation, especially defense cooperation, with Vietnam.

At a meeting with Indian Defense Minister Monohar Parika the same day, President Quang said the Vietnamese Party and State supported the cooperation between the two defense ministries. The Indian Defense Minister said he believed the strategic friendship partnership between Vietnam and India and bilateral cooperation between the two defense ministries would further develop in the near future.  .
