President calls for effective implementation of policy on private sector development

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - President Tran Dai Quang has stressed the need to raise awareness on and effectively implement Vietnam’s unwavering policy of encouraging private economy development. 
President calls for effective implementation of policy on private sector development  - ảnh 1 President Tran Dai Quang urged the business community to nurture dreams and innovation, and seize opportunities brought by the 4th industrial revolution (Photo: Viet Cuong/VOV)

At an emulation campaign launch ceremony organized by the Vietnam Private Business Association in Hanoi on Thursday, President Quang urged the business community to nurture dreams and innovation, and seize opportunities brought by the 4th industrial revolution. He also called for research and development, application of advanced technologies, higher productivity and competitiveness, participation into global value chains, and world-class brands development. The President said the Party, State, and people trust in Vietnamese business people during national industrialization, modernization, and international integration.
