President appreciates Japan’s discipline, responsibility, business culture

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam appreciates the discipline, sense of responsibility, modern technology, advanced administration, and business culture of Japanese enterprises and entrepreneurs while doing business and investment in Vietnam, said President Tran Dai Quang. 
President appreciates Japan’s discipline, responsibility, business culture - ảnh 1 President Tran Dai Quang speaks at the Vietnam Investment Promotion Conference in Tokyo on May 31 (Photo: VNA)

Addressing the Vietnam Investment Promotion Conference in Tokyo on Thursday, President Quang said the Japanese business community, including leading groups, not only act as pioneers in investment cooperation but also help boost bilateral relations in a more practical and effective manner.

He stressed that the conference offered a valuable chance for the two countries’ businesses to review their investment cooperation and seek new affiliation opportunities, thus helping enhance and deepen the Extensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia. He highlighted the goal of transforming Vietnam into a modern industrialised nation calling on Japanese entrepreneurs to expand investment in Vietnam, especially in manufacturing, agriculture, energy, IT, smart city, services, infrastructure, finance, banking, and innovative start-ups, and take part in the equitisation of State-owned enterprises. Speaking at the event, Chairman and CEO of the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) Hiroyuki Ishige recalled cooperative outcomes between Japan and Vietnam, especially their efforts in the signing of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). He emphasized that the deal will be a driving force for economic, trade and investment cooperation between the two countries in the future. Also at the conference, President Quang, Mr. Ishige and Japanese State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yoji Muto, witnessed the presentation of investment certificates and memoranda of understanding on cooperation projects between the two countries’ businesses and localities. To mark the occasion, Vietjet Air announced the launch of a direct route linking Hanoi and Osaka which will be operated daily from November 8 this year.

Before the conference, President Quang had received Mr. Ishige for separate talks. He asked JETRO to encourage Japanese firms to invest in clean and hi-tech agriculture, support industries and mechanical engineering in Vietnam, and help Vietnam improve its agricultural value chain and sell its agro-forestry-fishery products in the Japanese market.
