PM underlines need to optimize resources from SOEs

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - It is necessary to promote the leading role of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) in forming and expanding production, supply and value chains, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said at a working session with the Party Committee of the Central Enterprises Bloc (CEB) in Hanoi on Tuesday.
PM underlines need to optimize resources from SOEs - ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh speaks at a working session with the Party Committee of the Central Enterprises Bloc (CEB), Hanoi, July 12, 2022.

PM  Chinh described SOEs as an important component of the economy and hailed their strong performance, especially during the COVID-19 period.

“In any circumstances, SOEs should do their best to contribute to building an independent and self-reliant economy with extensive international integration, maintaining macroeconomic stability, and curbing inflation. It’s crucial to implement cautious, flexible monetary policies and effective financial policies,” he said.

The PM also stressed the significance of strengthening decentralization and delegation of power.

The CEB comprises of nine economic groups, 20 corporations, six banks, one State-run financial institution and 930 affiliated enterprises.
