PM talks to Chinese businesses on green, digital economy

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Tuesday said he hopes that Chinese businesses will work with Vietnamese agencies on initiatives to make the pillar of economic, trade, and investment cooperation more substantive.

PM talks to Chinese businesses on green, digital economy  - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh holds talks with Chinese businesses in the field of green economic development and digital economy. Photo:VNA

Prime Minister Chinh chaired a discussion with leaders of 19 leading Chinese corporations on green and digital economic development in Hanoi on Tuesday.

He applauded the Chinese businesses’ contributions to comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China, saying the Party and State of Vietnam considers developing friendly relations with China an objective requirement, a strategic choice and a top priority in Vietnam's foreign policy.

The Prime Minister said the discussion is a concrete step of implementing the high-level common perceptions of the two Parties and two countries in strengthening their partnership.

The Vietnamese Government is committed to ensuring that the foreign-invested economic sector is always an important component of the Vietnamese economy, he said, adding that Vietnam respects, encourages, and is ready to create favorable conditions for the foreign-invested economic sector to thrive and compete healthily with other economic sectors.

PM Chinh pledged to ensure the legitimate and legal rights and interests of investors; maintain political stability; independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, social order and safety; and policy stability so that investors can feel secure in doing business and operating in the long term in Vietnam.
