PM chairs meeting on special administrative-economic units

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chaired a meeting in Hanoi on Tuesday to discuss public feedback on a plan to build special administrative-economic units in the country. 
PM chairs meeting on special administrative-economic units  - ảnh 1 Phu Quoc island.

In June, the National Assembly decided to delay the approval of a draft law which provides legal grounds for the development of the special administrative-economic units of Van Don, Bac Van Phong, and Phu Quoc, until the next session in October in order to have more time for consideration. The proposed zones offer investors greater incentives and fewer restrictions than available in the country at present. The top legislative body agreed to revise the regulation on land lease limits for production and business in the draft law in line with the current Land Law. Any amendments to the draft law must ensure national territorial sovereignty and integrity, as well as the security and defense of the special zones and the country.
