Pleiku City wins Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards for Excellence in Road Safety

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Pleiku city in Gia Lai province is one of five cities in the world winning the Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards for Excellence in Road Safety.
Pleiku City wins Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards for Excellence in Road Safety - ảnh 1Doctor Khuat Viet Hung and the Bloomberg Philanthropies Award for Pleiku city (Photo: VOV)

The award is in recognition of the local administration’s contributions and commitments to implementing the project "Reduce speed - Safe schools".

The project "Reduce Speed - Safe Schools" sponsored by AIP Foundation (USA) was implemented from April 2018 to October 2023 in more than 30 primary and secondary schools in Pleiku.

Pleiku City wins Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards for Excellence in Road Safety - ảnh 2The Vietnamese delegation at the award ceremony (Photo: VOV)

The project contributes to improving the road infrastructure in school areas, arranging schools in a manner suitable to the traffic terrain, building crosswalks for pedestrians and sidewalks.

Currently, the safe school zone model continues to be deployed at preschools and high schools in the city.

The Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards for Excellence inroad Safety is a prestigious award in the field of preventing and minimizing injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The award aims to honor individuals and organizations that have taken action to improve the world's road traffic safety, while recognizing the implementation of typical road traffic safety solutions.
