Philippines slams China’s provocations in East Sea

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday issued a statement expressing its deep concern over a Chinese coast guard vessel sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat in the East Sea on April 3.

Philippines slams China’s provocations in East Sea - ảnh 1The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs (Photo: CNN) 

According to the statement, the Philippines always values the maintenance of peace and stability in the East Sea, noting that such incidents undermine the genuinely close and trusting regional relationship between the ASEAN and China, and that given the progress of discussions on a Code of Conduct in the East Sea, it is crucial to avoid such incidents and address differences via dialogues and with mutual trust.

The Department recalled Vietnam saving the lives of Filipino fishermen whose boat sank last year in the East Sea, stressing that the act created much trust. “We have not stopped and will not stop thanking Vietnam. It is with that in mind that we issue this statement of solidarity,” said the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.
