People’s mastery respected and promoted

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - The Party and State always respect and promote people’s mastery because the people are central, said Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong at the ongoing National Party Congress in Hanoi.

People’s mastery respected and promoted - ảnh 1Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong (Photo: VGP)

Mr. Trong, who is also head of the document sub-committee, said the Party has learned five valuable lessons from the “Doi Moi” (Renewal) period and five years of implementing the resolution of the 12th National Party Congress. One lesson is that the people must be considered the center. The slogan ‘People know, people discuss, people do, and people monitor’ is always honored.

The top leader said, “People are the masters of renewal, national construction, and defense. Every guideline and policy should be born out of real-life aspirations, obligations, and legitimate desires of people to be happy and prosperous. We should tighten the link between the Party and the people, rely on the people to build the Party, and enhance the people’s trust in the Party, the State, and socialism.”  

A people-centered approach has led to Vietnam’s accomplishments in 35 years of renewal. Dang Ngoc Son, Vice Chairman of the Ha Tinh provincial People’s Committee, said that when all socio-economic development policies and building new rural areas program win public acclaim, the people will trust in the Party and follow its lead.

“Fueling national aspiration is an aim of the 13th National Party Congress. Spreading the aspiration to every business and individual will help Vietnam gather its extraordinary power and potential for development,” according to Son.

People’s mastery respected and promoted - ảnh 2 Dang Ngoc Son, Vice Chairman of the Ha Tinh provincial People’s Committee (Photo: VGP)

The draft documents submitted to the 13th National Party Congress stressed that Party building and rectification must be done resolutely and collaboratively across politics, ideology, morality, organizations, and personnel.

Duong Van Thai, Secretary of the Bac Giang provincial Party Committee, said, “The Communist Party of Vietnam has given top priority to building and rectifying the Party, a law-governed socialist state, and a strong, clean political system. Personnel work is the core. We want qualified, exemplary cadres at all levels.”

The people-centered approach has been effective for 90 years and the Communist Party of Vietnam will continue to follow it.
