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People-centric approach is key to CPV’s success: Indian professor

(VOVWORLD) - During its 95 years of existence and development, the success of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has been firmly rooted in the strong public support stemming from the CPV's people-centric commitments and policies, said Prof. G. Devarajan, Secretary General of the All India Forward Bloc (AIFB).
People-centric approach is key to CPV’s success: Indian professor - ảnh 1(Source: dangcongsan.vn)

In an interview in New Delhi on the occasion of the CPV’s 95th founding anniversary, Prof. Devarajan said that the CPV has led the nation’s struggle for independence, steadfastly committing to its socialist ideals, and demonstrating resilience against both external and internal challenges.

He noted that since its founding in 1930, the CPV’s path has been defined by a consistent commitment to socialism and national independence. 

In his view, the CPV has always championed policies that directly benefit the working class and peasants, the majority of the population. They have not only laid the foundation for broad popular support but also the CPV’s long-term revolutionary success.

The Party's ideological contributions to socialism, its ability to develop policies addressing the immediate needs of the people, and its leadership in uniting the masses against colonial and imperialist forces have been crucial to its success, he added.

Mr. Devarajan stressed that the success in uniting diverse social groups while firmly adhering to its core revolutionary principles has enabled the CPV to maintain a central role in shaping the destiny of Vietnam, offering a lasting model for socialist movements worldwide.

