Party official calls on press to contribute to nation

Chia sẻ
(VNA) – The Politburo member and Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee has praised achievements made by the press sector.

(VNA) – The Politburo member and Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee has praised achievements made by the press sector. At a meeting with national media on Tuesday, Mr. Dinh The Huynh said 2013 is a significant year for implementing the Resolution of the 11th National Party Congress and the 10-year socio-economic development strategy designed to turn Vietnam into a modern-oriented industrialised nation by 2020. Huynh also called on journalists nationwide to uphold the tradition of revolutionary press and to overcome difficulties and shortcomings so as to disseminate information on the nation’s renewal process and its construction and defence in a thorough, profound and righteous manner.

