Party leader praises Ministry of Industry and Trade’s role in national development

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong says the Ministry of Industry and Trade has played a leading role in national renewal, integration, and rapid and sustainable development. 
Party leader praises Ministry of Industry and Trade’s role in national development - ảnh 1 Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong addressed the working session

At a working session with key leaders of the ministry on Wednesday in Hanoi, Mr. Trong said that over the past 30 years of renewal and integration, industry and trade has become a spearhead economic sector, providing important momentum for national recovery and development, and turning Vietnam from a poor country into a middle-income nation. He added the industry, trade, and service sector currently contributes over 80% to Vietnam’s GDP and about 70% to the State budget collection. 

The Party leader said that 2018 is the 3rd year of the 12th Party Central Committee and a pivotal year for implementing socio-economic tasks set out by the 12th National Party Congress. He called on the industry and trade sector to thoroughly grasp the strategic policies and guidelines of the Party; keep a close watch on the domestic and international situation in order to actively integrate into the world; build on the socialist-oriented market economy; and well handle relations between the State, market, and society. 

