Party leader: Party Central Committee’s 7th plenum is a success

Xuan Dan
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has said the week-long 7th plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee was a success, helping create new momentum for coordinated and compressive reform process, building a strong, transparent Party, and developing Vietnam rapidly and sustainably. 
Party leader: Party Central Committee’s 7th plenum is a success - ảnh 1 Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong addressed the closing ceremony of the 7th plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee 

Mr. Trong made the statement at the closing ceremony of the plenum in Hanoi on Saturday morning.

He said the plenum reached high consensus on issuing the Party Central Committee’s Resolution on building a contingent of cadres at all levels, particularly strategic cadres, ensuring a constant and smooth transfer among generations, and steering Vietnam towards an industrial country by 2030 and vision towards a modern-industrial country with socialist orientation by 2045.

The Party leader added that the plenum agreed on the issuance of the Resolution on wage reform towards a national wage system, which is scientific and transparent and match national situation, contributing to building a streamlined and effective political system.

Mr. Trong said the Party Central Committee stressed the need to strengthen social insurance reform as a main pillar of the social security system. He said: “To ensure financial balance of the Social Insurance Fund in a long run, it’s necessary to amend the irrationalities of the current retirement insurance system, being more flexible in conditions set for pension recipients. The average retirement age should be increased in accordance with a set roadmap and suitable for certain groups of people or jobs, so as to enhance sustainability of social insurance policy.”
