Party leader hosts Chinese Defense Minister

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Monday reaffirmed the importance Vietnam places on the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China, as well as the mutual support during history between the two Parties, States and peoples.
Party leader hosts Chinese Defense Minister - ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe in Hanoi, April 26, 2021. (Photo: VNA)

During a reception for visiting Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe, Party leader Trong said he hopes the two Parties and countries will make greater efforts in maintaining a peaceful and cooperative environment on the basis of respecting the legitimate rights of each other and their friendship, for peace, stability and cooperation in the region and the world.

Despite regional and global turbulences, plus the COVID-19 spread, relations between the two Parties and countries have been maintained on a healthy and stable manner, and even made new strides, thanks to joint efforts, he said.
Minister Wei lauded the achievements the Vietnamese people have made across spheres under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam led by Mr. Trong.
He said over the past time, relations between the two Parties and countries have developed healthily, stably, and sustainably.
The Chinese Party and State attach great importance to the traditional friendly neighbourliness with Vietnam, and to promoting bilateral cooperation in all fields, thus contributing to maintaining regional peace, he said.  
