Party General Secretary passionate about national culture

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) -In his lifetime General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong paid special attention to building and developing the national culture. He helped sectors, officials, and citizens define perspectives and set goals to make culture a foundation, motive, and resource of national development.  

Party General Secretary passionate about national culture  - ảnh 1General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited and delivered New Year wishes to artists in Hanoi on February 15, 2018. (Photo: Tri Dung/VNA)

Dr. Nguyen Viet Chuc, Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Council on Culture and Society of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, said Mr. Trong was a source of inspiration for the entire society to revamp and develop culture.

“The Party leader championed the role of culture. He believed that when culture develops, the nation grows. The way the General Secretary thought of cultural issues was logical, scientific, and practical,” said Chuc.

Party leader Trong’s actions expressed some important messages: "Culture must light the way for the nation" – "Culture is the soul of the nation” –  "If culture exists, the nation exists".

Associate Professor Dr. Dao Duy Quat, former deputy head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Ideology and Culture, said, “General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong contributed enormously to the 13th National Party Congress, whose general policy was for the entire nation to aspire to cultural development. The party leader pointed out urgent things to do in the immediate future.”

The General Secretary cared about and invested much love and trust in writers, artists, and intellectuals. During meetings, he always underlined the important role of artists in preserving and promoting traditional culture and arts.

Associate Professor Dr. Do Hong Quan, President of the Vietnam Union of Literature and Art Associations, said, “Over many periods, in different positions, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong paid close attention to building, preserving and developing Vietnamese culture, especially literature, arts, and a team of writers, artists and intellectuals.”

“He helped us gain a deeper awareness of the role of writers and artists in theoretical and practical issues in the cause of national culture, literature and art,” Quan added.

General Secretary Trong delivered his own articles and speeches on forums affirming the position and role of culture in national construction and defense.
