Party General Secretary celebrates 67th anniversary of diplomatic ties with China

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - Paty leader Nguyen Phu Trong attended a meeting to celebrate the 67th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and China on Friday. Speaking in the event, the party leader thanked the Chinese Party, State and people for their support in Vietnam’s struggle for national liberation and unification: “Over the past 67 years, despites ups and downs, friendship and cooperation remain the key theme

(VOVworld) - Paty leader Nguyen Phu Trong attended a meeting to celebrate the 67th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and China on Friday. Speaking in the event, the party leader thanked the Chinese Party, State and people for their support in Vietnam’s struggle for national liberation and unification: “Over the past 67 years, despites ups and downs, friendship and cooperation remain the key theme in bilateral relations. Vietnam and China are close neighbors for similar political system led by a Communist Party towards socialism. Stability and development are important for both countries and these require strengthening friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership for peace, stability and development.”

Party General Secretary celebrates 67th anniversary of diplomatic ties with China   - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong attended a meeting to celebrate the 67th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and China (Photo: VNA)

Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Yu Zhengsheng reiterated the importance of relations with Vietnam and said he believed that with mutual efforts, both countries will see more opportunities for development and cooperation.

On Saturday, the Party leader laid a wreath at the Ho Chi Minh monument in the Vietnamese Embassy in China and met with embassy staff and Vietnamese community representatives in China. He urged them to contribute more to the realization of bilateral agreements to boost relations and economic ties, while complying with host country’s law and maintaining national cultural identity. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Saturday left for Hangzhou city to continue his official visit to China.
