Party Central Committee’s plenum discusses draft political report, development strategy, personnel

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -The 13th Party Central Committee opened its 10th plenum in Hanoi on Wednesday. 
Party Central Committee’s plenum discusses draft political report, development strategy, personnel  - ảnh 1Opening ceremony of the 10th plenum of Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, term 13. Photo: Duong Giang/VNA

In the morning, the committee’s plenary session was moderated by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. Participants observed a minute of silence in memory of residents and soldiers killed during the recent Typhoon Yagi and its aftermath and raised fund in support of the victims.

Luong Cuong, Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, presented a report on the plenum’s agenda.

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam chaired and delivered a speech at the opening session. He said that successfully implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress is the ultimate goal of the entire Party, the entire people and the entire army in 2025. It is the foundation for achieving the 100-year strategic goals under the Party's leadership and moving towards the 100th founding anniversary of the country in 2045.

“These goals must be done with the highest determination, the greatest efforts, and drastic actions with the most effective solutions possible. It is the responsibility of the Party before the people, the history, and international friends, while it is also an opportunity for the Party to prove its leadership, ruling capacity, and combat capacity,” according to the top leader. 

The committee then discussed in groups the draft political report to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress, and another on several theoretical and practical issues about socialist-oriented reform in Vietnam over the past 40 years.

Group discussions continued in the afternoon, focusing on draft reports on the five-year implementation of the 2021-2030 socio-economic development strategy, and orientations and tasks for 2026-2030; the implementation of the 2024 socio-economic development plan, as well as the 2025 plan; and the implementation of state budget in 2024 and estimate for 2025; along with the 2025-2027 budget-finance plan; and the North-South high-speed railway project.

In the evening, the Party Central Committee summarized the personnel work of the 13th Party Central Committee and the personnel direction of the 14th Party Central Committee. Other topics of discussion included the promulgation of election regulations within the Party, and reports on Party building and implementation of the Party Charter to be submitted to the 14th National Party Congress.
