Palestine freezes contact with Israel over Jerusalem shrine crisis

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(VOVWORLD) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced Friday a freeze of all contacts with Israel over controversial new security measures at Al-Aqsa Mosque, eastern Jerusalem. 
Palestine freezes contact with Israel over Jerusalem shrine crisis - ảnh 1 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (C) (Source: VNA)

Abbas said that the freeze will stay in place until the extra security measures are lifted. Abbas called the measures "falsely presented as a security measure to take control over Al-Aqsa mosque". 

The shrine, revered by Muslims and Jews, sits at the emotional epicenter of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Under the post-1967 arrangements, Muslims administer the compound. Jews can visit, but not pray there. Last week, three Israeli Arab gunmen killed two Israeli police officers before they were shot and killed at the entrance to the site.
