P5+1closer to a nuclear deal with Iran

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(VOVworld) – The P5+1 group has agreed on ways to resume UN sanctions on Iran if it violates any terms of the future nuclear deal, said West’s authorities on Sunday.

P5+1closer to a nuclear deal with Iran - ảnh 1
US Secretary of State John Kerry (R) talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on May 30, 2015 in Geneva. (AFP)
(VOVworld) – The P5+1 group has agreed on ways to resume UN sanctions on Iran if it violates any terms of the future nuclear deal, said West’s authorities on Sunday.

Thereby, a committee which includes representatives from Iran and the P5+1 will be formed to oversee any of Tehran’s suspicious violations of the final nuclear accord.

With this move, the P5+1 overcame one of the main obstacles towards finalizing a nuclear accord with Tehran prior to the end-of-June deadline.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will conduct regular reports on Iran’s nuclear program for the P5+1 and the UN Security Council to evaluate Tehran’s compliance with the deal.

If found violated, UN sanctions will be resumed.

