National Cyber​Security Association holds its first congress

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The National Cybersecurity Association must define a mission and vision that are relevant to the current era, Minister of Public Security General To Lam said in Hanoi on Friday at the organization’s first congress for tenure until 2028.
National Cyber​Security Association holds its first congress - ảnh 1Minister of Public Security General To Lam speaks at the meeting. (Photo: Minh Son/

Mr. Lam said the mission and vision of the association should not only generate economic profits, protect the interests of its members, but also aim for a higher goal, which is to become the primary driving force of the cause of national construction and defense.

It should strive to build and develop Vietnam's cybersecurity industry, establish a high-value cybersecurity market on the international map, create corporations and companies with globally-recognized cybersecurity capabilities. This transformation should shift the focus from outsourcing and agency work to becoming technology and product owners, he said.

National Cyber​Security Association holds its first congress - ảnh 2Minister To Lam and delegates pose a group photo with members of the National Cybersecurity Association. (Photo: Minh Son/

Minister Lam said he believes the association will make positive and effective contributions to the national rapid, sustainable economic and social development, thus protecting national security, interests and sovereignty in cyberspace.

A 28-member executive committee for the first term was elected with  Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, member of the Party Central Committee and Deputy Minister of Public Security as the Chairman.
