National Assembly reviews economic development and agricultural investment

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)-National Assembly deputies have acknowledged positive efforts by the government in its macro economic stewardship.
National Assembly reviews economic development and agricultural investment - ảnh 1
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development addresses the session- Photo: Ngoc Thang

(VOVworld)-National Assembly deputies have acknowledged positive efforts by the government in its macro economic stewardship. During a live broadcast discussion on Thursday, deputies praised the government’s success in reining in inflation and stabilizing the monetary market. They urged the government to review business stimulus policies to boost economic recovery and fill in the budget gap. Deputy Tran Du Lich from Ho Chi Minh City welcomed the government target of 6% GDP growth and inflation rate of less than 7%:“I support the government focus to control inflation on selective basis. We should not be hasty in fueling economic growth to the extent that causes inflation. Credit growth rate shall be between 14% and 18% in a year or two while ensuring an efficient cash flow through fiscal policy.”
Deputies agreed on the government plan to issue 170 trillion dong of bonds and raising budget deficit limit to 5.3% of the GDP. Deputy Tran Ngoc Vinh from Hai Phong city comments on agricultural investment policy: “The government should increase investment in agriculture towards sustainable growth. Farmers should be supported in intensive farming and production on larger scale of suitable crops and husbandry.”
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat replied to some deputies’ queries: “We have instructed farmers on alternative plans to switch rice growing to crops of higher yields. Measures have been introduced to ensure fair competition of catfish exports while promoting complete chain of production in aquaculture farming.”   
