National Assembly opens Q&A session

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Monday discussed draft Laws on Citizen Identification and Civil Status.

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Monday discussed draft Laws on Citizen Identification and Civil Status.

National Assembly opens Q&A session  - ảnh 1

Regarding the draft Law on Civil Status, deputies recommended including civil registration, civil status, and citizen identification in the concept of civil status. Some deputies stressed the need to check and classify personal identification papers and get rid of unnecessary ones to make it easier for management.

In the afternoon session, the National Assembly approved the 2012 State budget, a resolution on State budget allocations, and a decrease in expenditures in 2013.

This week, National Assembly deputies will discuss amendments and supplements to the Law on Vietnam People’s Army Officer, the draft Law on People’s Police, the revised Investment Law, the Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments, and draft revisions to the National Assembly’s resolution on votes of confidence on office holders elected or appointed by the National Assembly and People’s Councils. The deputies will also vote on supplements to the Health Insurance Law.

The National Assembly’s Q&A session will begin Tuesday with cabinet members answering questions on matters under their charge. The Q&A session will be broadcast live on TV and radio. 
