NA deputies request core value system of national culture be identified

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -The National Assembly on Wednesday discussed investment policy of the National Target Program on the development of culture for the period 2025-2035. 
NA deputies request core value system of national culture be identified  - ảnh 1During the morning session of June 19, the National Assembly examined investment policies in the National Target Program on cultural development for the period 2025-2035. Photo:

Many deputies affirmed that this breakthrough program aims to push the effective implementation of the Party's leadership and policies on cultural development, making culture the solid spiritual foundation of society, the endogenous strength and the soul of the nation.

They emphasized preserving and developing culture, comprehensive human development, and building an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity.

Deputy Nguyen Quang Huan, representing Binh Duong province, said that the program must clearly identify the nation's core value system, including the essences of human culture.

“To make the program more feasible and effective, it’s necessary to identify the core value system of national culture. In a speech delivered at the 2021 national cultural conference, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed that the culture that Vietnam is building is an advanced culture imbued with national identity, whose core value is national independence and socialism, Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's ideology playing a leading role in social life,” he said. 

Also on Wednesday, the National Assembly discussed the draft Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue and the draft Law on People's Air Defense.
