NA Chairwoman applauds Marxist Communist Party of India's political influence

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) – National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has applauded the Marxist Communist Party of India’s influence in politics and its leading role in the left-wing fight for the rights and interests of the poor, ethnic people, and workers in India.

(VOVworld) – National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has applauded the Marxist Communist Party of India’s influence in politics and its leading role in the left-wing fight for the rights and interests of the poor, ethnic people, and workers in India.

NA Chairwoman applauds Marxist Communist Party of India's political influence  - ảnh 1

At a reception for Sitaram Yechury, General Secretary of India’s Marxist Communist Party, in India on Friday, Ms. Ngan said the Communist Party of Vietnam is implementing resolutions of the 12th National Party Congress and pursuing the policy of diversifying international relations and proactively integrating into the world.

Mr. Yechury said he believes that Ms. Ngan’s visit to India will contribute to the close bonding between the two countries and Parties. He reiterated Marxist Communist Party of India treasures the cooperative ties with the Communist Party of Vietnam.

