NA adopts revised Law on Citizens’ Identification

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Thursday adopted the revised Laws on Citizens’ Identification and Household Registration.
NA adopts revised Law on Citizens’ Identification - ảnh 1
Photo: VNA
(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Thursday adopted the revised Laws on Citizens’ Identification and Household Registration.
On Thursday afternoon, lawmakers discussed remaining differences in the amended Resolution on Votes of Confidence for people holding positions approved by the National Assembly and People’s Councils.
Earlier, National Assembly deputies voted to approve the revised Law on the National Assembly’s Organization, and the revised Law on Social Insurance. They also debated a proposal to reform school curricula and textbooks. Their morning working session was broadcast live on TV and radio.
On Wednesday, the National Assembly ended a 2 day and a half Q&A session. National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said the sessions had received positive feedback from voters and lawmakers, which reflected the government’s determination to fulfill tasks assigned by the National Assembly. He urged Ministers and heads of sectors to fulfill their promises to the voters and report at the next National Assembly meeting.

