Leaders meet with Cambodian King

Chia sẻ
Vietnamese leaders met with visiting Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni in Hanoi yesterday.
Vietnamese leaders met with visiting Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni in Hanoi yesterday.
Leaders meet with Cambodian King  - ảnh 1

At a welcome ceremony, President Truong Tan Sang spoke highly of the significance of the visit and affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of fostering good neighborliness, friendship, comprehensive cooperation and long-term sustainability with Cambodia. While meeting with King Sihamoni, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said Vietnam will do its utmost to join Cambodia’s efforts to deepen bilateral ties in all fields. He expressed his hope that Vietnam will receive the King’s support for bilateral cooperation activities as well as for border demarcation and marker planting so they can complete the work on schedule. King Sihamoni met National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung who said that the Vietnamese people will join the Cambodian people in preserving and upholding the two countries’ traditional friendship, solidarity and cooperation.
